Painless dental treatments
Fear of the dentist is widespread, mainly due to old traumatic experiences or simply due to "folklore" and popular prejudices, justified or not.
Now times have changed and most dentists are aware of the impact of pain on their patients and thus on their own reputation.
Local anesthetics are very effective, and it is no exaggeration to say that a dentist with minimal empathy for his patients, has the means to never hurt them.
We sometimes can advise acts without anesthesia, but it is up to you to decide whether you need it or not.
If you are also afraid of injections, you should know that we can already reduce the sensitivity with a numbing cream, and a real slow injection.
THE WAND, a computer-controlled dental injection, allows a slow and comfortable injection, but this can also be done manually with the dentist's dexterity.
We advise you in case of discomfort or pain to inform the dentist, who's maybe not aware of it, and if your dentist refuses to solve the issue or stop, one good advice, go find another one ...